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Mar 20, 2013

Steps to Process data in Counter Reading Open Interface - 1

In this Post I will explain what all are the Steps to process the Counter Reading data from the Counter Reading Open interface table.

With Counter Readings Open Interface we have the ability to import significant volumes of data into counter readings and counter property readings tables.The data may be from multiple source including external legacy systems.

Step by Step details about how to process the data from the Counter Reading Interface table .
  1. Load data into the counter readings interface tables.SI_CTR_READINGS_INTERFACE  , Process Status Column in this table can has any of the below  3 values
      1. P - Processed
      2. E - Error
      3. R - Ready for processing.
  2. Run the Install Base - Counter Readings Open Interface concurrent program that
    reads, validates, and posts the data from the interface tables into the counter
    readings in Oracle Install Base.
  3. STEPS to Run the Concurrent Program
    Navigate to 
    1. (R) Install Base Administrator 
    2. (N) Others > Requests 
    3. Single Request > OK 
    4. Search for 'Install Base - Counter Readings Open Interface' 
    5. Batch Name = specific batch name  
    6. From Transaction Date = SYSDATE 
    7. To Transaction Date = SYSDATE 
    8. Purge Processed Records = Yes 
    9. Error Reprocess Options = NULL 
    10. OK 
    11. Submit 

  4. Please note that as of now System will let you process only one batch at a time ,it will not let you process multiple batches together << We at Bizinsight Consulting have a Custom Solution to process multiple batches together , in case you need additional information about this Multi batches process solution , feel free to contact us at >>.
  5. If you want the processed records to be cleared from the interface tables after
    processing, select Yes for Purge Processed Records.

  6. If errors occur during the running of the program, the failed records will be loaded
    into the Open Interface error table ( this is not a separate table this is CSI_CTR_READINGS_INTERFACE only ) , where you will be able to reprocess them.
    The Error Reprocess Options field controls the selection of records to reprocess in
    the Counter Readings Open Interface Error DetailsForm - a later step in this
    1. If you select All, then all the records in the error details page will be reprocessed
      automatically, without the need to select any.
    2. If you select Selected, or leave the field blank, you will have to explicitly select the
      records to reprocess in the error details page.
  7. After you run the program, failed records go to the Open Interface error table
  8. To review and edit failed records, select the Open Interface Error Details from the
    Oracle Install Base Admin menu options.
  9. .
    Select values to filter the error rows, and click Find.
    The Counter Readings Open Interface Error Details form displays the error records
    in the interface tables.
  10. Select a row in the Readings area to see associated records in the Property Readings area.
    In this form, scroll across to see all the fields, and edit the records that you want to Change.
  11. If the program that produced these errors was run with the Error Reprocess
    Options not set to All, click the Process Flag for all the records that you want to 
  12. Click the Save icon in the Counter Readings Open Interface Error Details form , run the concurrent Program
    Install Base - Counter Readings Open Interface again.

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