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Mar 18, 2011

Impact of Cancellation of PO assocaited with B2B Sales Order.

Impact of Cancellation of PO assocaited with B2B Sales Order.

In Order management, for a B2B Sales Order we have Requisition and Purchase Order Associated with order line.In Order management there is no field that store the line between OM and PO. Only link between B2B order line and requisition or PO is via MTL-RESERVATION table.
Below are Steps to Create and progress B2B Order line.
  1. Create/Book B2B Order line, Booking will progress the order line to workflow activity “Create Supply Order – Eligible”.
  2. Select the line and right click and from pop-up mean Selct “progress order”.
  3. Action in setp-2 Insert the data into Requisition Interface table as well as progress order line workflow to SHIP_LINE activity.
  4. Create the Requisition via requisition Import.Creation of requisistion also create data in MTL_RESERVATION table, with supply_source_line_id = requisition_line_id and demand_soure_type = requisition.
  5. Create PO by means of Auto Create and then Approve PO.Once PO got approved MTL_RESERVATION table got updated with supply_source_line_id = PO_LINE_ID and demand_soure_type = PO .
Now if for some business reason customer needs to cancel the PO and requisition, in such a case Cancellation of PO result in deletion of the complete record from MTL_RESERVATION table and also B2B order line workflow rewind back to “Create Supply Order – Eligible” workflow activity , also flow status code on OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL updated back to "Supply Eligible"
Now if user cancel the requisition and once again progress the workflow it result in creation of new requisition ( via requisition import) and now record in mtl_reservation table.

1 comment:

  1. Below link will put some more light on B2B cycle...

